Friday, August 20, 2010

Rolling on next camp

Last night at camp we made Don's ribs and Guy Clifford (my dads) potatoes with green beans bacon and beer. What a great finish to a great camp site. Did so well getting camp taken down, yes Mike had to do the dump station. All went perfect (no mess) LOL. Going down the road the kids sleeping Mike and I feeling so proud of ourselves. And then the truck dings, light comes on trailer is not attached. We pull off he checks the truck is on the ball chains ok what the bling bling is going on. Then I check the lights yes sir ye, no lights. Electric cord had been dragging wires broke. But yes we have had this happen before so we get out the trusty tool box, black tape and a way we go. Score! Ok so we loose a little time still good. And then it happens you realize you are lost. No we have no Garmen we have only the directions we wrote down. After a few stops we get back on track our 3 hour drive is now a 5 hour. Arrive at Watkins Glen State Park looks good. Get to our camp and both of us look at each other, like how are we getting in that spot. I will say right now Mike you did a great job. Bravo to you! The next morning we get up have breakfast and leave to finally take a hike. We figure we will be about 2 hours, but not us we get lost. At one point when we think we are still ok, Mike reminds me of another hike we took in California yes that also ended up to be very long. Good news we found a service road followed it to the road coming into the park and made it back to the truck. Deke and Maggie did so great but they are exhausted. I think Mike & I could be the next Grisswolds. At least we are laughing about it. The park is very nice but could have better marked trails, and I should have checked my camera battery. Tomorrow is another camp. I have my fingers crossed!

Finger licking GOOD!

Everyone Happy at new Camp

Maggie helping with trail map

Thought we could catch a train back!


  1. Hey, sounds and looks like you are now trailer trash just like us. Drive, park, drink, eat, drink some more, get lost, fix the rv, deal with the dogs - ah Life is Good! And! And, there is another adventure each time you pack up and move to the next campground.

    We have been house-bound for three months now with no end in site. Really itching to get back on the road. Yes, we are jealous!

  2. Glad you guys found your way back.. Also glad you are having fun... Love and miss you xoxox

  3. Great story!!! So glad you made it back... it all makes for good memories and stories to tell!! Miss you xoxo

  4. Damn! I am jealous.....We are itchin" to get on the road. Sounds like you are getting it all done. Life is good and carry on. I want your dads' green beans. Love you
