Monday, August 23, 2010

Last camp

Its Saturday and time to leave for the next and last park. The trick about this one is how do we get out. Getting in we had to come from wrong direction, so getting out we have to go in the wrong direction. Worked out fine other then some kids yelling at us you are going the wrong way, after passing the last kid to yell at us, being the mature person I am I had to respond. Mike did thank me. Off to Allegany State Park. We arrive with just one wrong turn pretty good. Aah but just wait it can't be that easy. Someone is in our spot oh oh. Mike gets out talks to the guy very nice says they will be out in 30 minutes. When Mike gets back in the car we both look at each other ( a) we don't like the spot, but more important she can't fit in it. I talk to the guy tell him we will check for another hoping for a different area. Find out 4 spots left in the Quaker area drive about 4 miles 2 spots left. First good but steep decline. Second is across from the bathrooms, wet and all dirt (mud). Not a good idea with the dogs. Go back to the other and with some work Mike gets her in. Great job knew you could do it. This is a cute little spot nice views pretty private oh its good. Then the rain starts but hey I could be in a tent. Next morning we set out for a hike. Allegany State park is very big, but the trail we choose is wet slippery and not a good idea. I have been on a slippery trail before We make most of it then decide to just walk around other parts it really is very pretty lots of creeks, lakes mountains and just darn nice. Rain starts again to we head back to camp. As I write this I am reflecting on this trip. It is as it should have been, learning, relaxing, laughing, and just having fun. Before I forget I have not mentioned the showers (did not want to jinx myself) good news hot shower every day some better then others but hot is great. I love that one weekend I can be in New York City, the next camping in state parks. That is what its all about being diversified. Rod thank you again for all the work you did, making the Silver Slipper our little home away from home. Deke & Maggie I am so proud of you both. Mike I love you, can't wait to see what the next 35 brings. When is our next trip, can't wait.


Our little spot

She looks Pretty!

Allegany State Park

Lake over flow basin

Deer on our Hike

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rolling on next camp

Last night at camp we made Don's ribs and Guy Clifford (my dads) potatoes with green beans bacon and beer. What a great finish to a great camp site. Did so well getting camp taken down, yes Mike had to do the dump station. All went perfect (no mess) LOL. Going down the road the kids sleeping Mike and I feeling so proud of ourselves. And then the truck dings, light comes on trailer is not attached. We pull off he checks the truck is on the ball chains ok what the bling bling is going on. Then I check the lights yes sir ye, no lights. Electric cord had been dragging wires broke. But yes we have had this happen before so we get out the trusty tool box, black tape and a way we go. Score! Ok so we loose a little time still good. And then it happens you realize you are lost. No we have no Garmen we have only the directions we wrote down. After a few stops we get back on track our 3 hour drive is now a 5 hour. Arrive at Watkins Glen State Park looks good. Get to our camp and both of us look at each other, like how are we getting in that spot. I will say right now Mike you did a great job. Bravo to you! The next morning we get up have breakfast and leave to finally take a hike. We figure we will be about 2 hours, but not us we get lost. At one point when we think we are still ok, Mike reminds me of another hike we took in California yes that also ended up to be very long. Good news we found a service road followed it to the road coming into the park and made it back to the truck. Deke and Maggie did so great but they are exhausted. I think Mike & I could be the next Grisswolds. At least we are laughing about it. The park is very nice but could have better marked trails, and I should have checked my camera battery. Tomorrow is another camp. I have my fingers crossed!

Finger licking GOOD!

Everyone Happy at new Camp

Maggie helping with trail map

Thought we could catch a train back!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Silver Slipper continues on

We packed up and found a new park we are going to. On the way we decided this is really good experience for us, set up take down park ect. It is about 2 1/2 hour drive. Dogs did great getting so much better in the car. Arrive at our new camp ground Long Point State Park on Three Mile Bay still Lake Ontario. Holy Cow ding ding ding 3rd times a charm. Love it! The campground is small which is fine with us not really any trees but the breeze is fantastic. First night with have slept with the windows open. Once we set up we just sat and kept looking at how cool it is. Perfect for the Anniversary dinner. Mike made steaks, wedge salad and grilled bread. Dessert ice cream. Even Deke and Maggie had some. Great bottle of champagne ( I did not spill a drop) This is what we signed up for. Kids love the grass. Not many things to do but taking the time to blog, read and chill. Gotta love it. This morning Mike made a great breakfast with a view no less. Some how Deke and Maggie got there chain out of the ground tried to escape but got caught around a tree. It was funny but only because we caught them. No we did not loose anything, but we did burn up the pump ( no inside running water that was our first day.) Mike has not had to dump, that comes tomorrow but he had a good teacher. So for today all is good. Tomorrow starts another adventure but for now these two campers are happy.

Leaving Fair Haven State Park

Our New Camp

Dogs love the grass

Happy 35 years!

Anniversary Dinner



Monday, August 16, 2010

Our first Trip In The Silver Slipper

Well here we go! All went pretty well leaving. Arrived at first camp, and was disappointed with the site, that happens but we made the most of it. Had a few other problems but what are you going to do. Made a good dinner, drank a little then drank a little more. Some how I fell asleep with wine, Mike thought I was still awake, woke with red wine all over me and the bed. I remember another trip we went with Jim and Ellen I spilled red wine all over a yellow sweat shirt Ellen got it all out. I think I need a sippy cup Next morning Mike made a great breakfast. We took the dogs for a walk and found a really pretty area. We came back later the dogs had a good time, I took a little nap. Day three, we are at the next camp ground this is not nice at all, we got online will be leaving first thing in the morning for a new one. I don't know if we are just unlucky or if this is truly a test on weather we are campers. I choose to believe we are and we will conquer this. Today is our 35th wedding anniversary, We decided to put our anniversary dinner on hold till tomorrow night. The dogs are doing pretty well a little confused but so are we.

Maggie likes to co-pilot

Mike cooking

The shoreline of Lake Erie

Sunset at our campsite.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 3 in New York

Day 3!
Thank goodness Marissa is here, she knows how to get around much better then I do. We started out on the subway going to Central Park. I love Central Park I could spend all day walking around. It always make me wonder how you can be surrounded by huge sky scrappers yet be in this amazing park surrounded by trees. I love it. We had planned on going to the zoo, but had a bit of a late start. Instead we went for sushi. Marissa wanted Taylor to try it. Her picture says it all. Did a little shopping, then went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Marissa's favorite restaurant Balthazar. I understand why. Her favorite is Beef Tartar could also be one of my new favorites. I also had pea ravioli with mint I know sounds weird, but let me just say sooooo good. We also ordered french fries (Bobby Flay says they are the best in the city) he definitely knows what he is talking about. We all loved them. After we left the restaurant we headed for Time Square. I hope my girls had as much fun as I did. So many things to do so little time. Sunday came to fast. Not just for the trip to be over, but Marissa has to head back to PA. and Taylor and I back home. It may not have been a long trip but the memories will last for ever. I love you both very much.

Getting Ready to try her first sushi!

Loves it

Being Silly getting ready for dinner

I love you girls!

Time Square

Day 2 in New York

The next day Taylor and I took off to go see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. On the way we went by Ground Zero it is still so unbelievable how that could have happened. It was hot and the lines long, but so worth it. It always send chills threw my body when I see Lady Liberty. Taylor loved Ellis Island and wants to go back, I enjoyed how interested she was and how she wanted to read everything.
On our way back to the hotel we grabbed a slice of pizza sooo good. Marissa got caught in traffic, but finally made it. We had dinner reservations at a restaurant called TAO. Very cool inside, food just ok. But we had a great time.

Ferry going over to Ellis Island

Taylor's favorite new drink fresh Pineapple juice with vanilla beans & mint
Really Good!

Taylor in front of the Big Buddha at TAO

Taylor & I go to New York City

For Taylor's Birthday Marissa and I thought it would be fun to take Taylor to New York We got in to the city, checked into our hotel looked around a little bit, then headed off to catch the New York Waterways ferry over to Weehawken New Jersey. I know it sounds kinda funny to be in New York then go over to New Jersey, well for anyone who has ever seen pictures of the sky line most are taken from Weehawken. Lucky for us we have good friends that live near there. Joan meet us at the ferry and took us to the Chart House for dinner. After dinner we went up to where the view is incredible of the city. Thanks Joan, it was great spending some time with you, wish it could have been longer. Love you!

Waiting for the plane in So. Bend

Taylor on the Ferry

Taylor and the Skyline of New York

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Deke's First Haircut.

Deke went to the groomer for his first time. I was a nervous wreck until I went back to pick him up. He looked soooo cute, I had no idea he has such big eyes. I think he knows how handsome he is.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dinner with Friends

Last night we went out to dinner with good friends. This summer is going so fast it seems like forever since we all got together. It was also Pam & Steve's anniversary congrat's on 40 years!!
Also Monica has a birthday coming up this week. Happy Birthday Monica! Had a great time love you guys.