Friday, April 15, 2011

First trip of 2011

Our first trip of 2011!
We left on Wednesday for Virginia. First stop was at a private campground that sucked! But the good news we just drove in spent the night and drove out first thing.
Had a good drive to our destination Goose Point Federal Park. It is sooooo beautiful. We are right on the water and looking at the blue ridge mountains.
Now for the bad news, I forgot my cord to down load my pictures. That being said I will have to put pictures on when I get home. If by some chance we find a place to buy a new one we will.
Take my word this is beautiful here.


  1. Guess we will have to bring you the power cord. We are on our way! The lake setting looks gorgeous ...Enjoy

  2. Chincia,
    You'll just have to paint pictures on the blog with words.
    Enjoy the Blue Ridge Parkway!
    Mike, how could you forget the cord?


  3. Seriously... with the lists, I'm sure, you had going... I can't believe you forgot the cord... oh well, I'm just glad it's beautiful!!! Enjoy and can't wait to see the pics... cheers!!!
