Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving started Tuesday night for me, Marissa came home.
On Thanksgiving we went to my Mom's. Can I just say she makes a great meal all my favorites dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy the whole nine yards. I can't believe I did not get a picture of her turkey, it looked like it could be on the cover of a magazine. Great job Mom.

Friday was Jenny and Chad's five year Anniversary. They came over for adult time.
I made guacamole, steak and chicken tacos. Then we all played a game Marissa told us about called Apples to Apples. So fun. Mike and I won, Score for the parents!
I love you guys.

Saturday we had a Birthday party for Charlie. Jenny brought Kobe over. The kids all had a good run outside first, then in for the presents and ice cream. Charlie is so funny I have never seen a dog that loves presents. Last year at Christmas he even new what stocking was his. So funny. Happy 7th Birthday we love you.

Sunday came way to fast. Everybody came over for breakfast, before Marissa and Charlie head back to PA. Our time might go fast but the memories we make last for ever.
I love you all!!

Four Generations

Charlie waiting for presents

Yum ice cream

Happy Birthday!

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