Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Disney with Sophia, Whitney & Jenny

The hardest part of this blog was trying to figure out what pictures to use.

Sophia is turning 5 on her Birthday. I wanted to do something special for her and decided to go to Disney. It worked out that Jenny & Whitney could also go.
Once we arrived at the hotel and checked in it was off to the pool. The pool was perfect for the kids they loved it. Jenny and I were able to sit keep a eye on them and have a well deserved cocktail.

The next morning we headed out to Epcot to have breakfast with the Princesses. Sophia hugged everyone of them. After the breakfast they had a parade around the restaurant. Both kids liked that.
Epcot really isn't for little ones so we hopped on the monorail for the Magic Kingdom. It is always so fun to see the expression of little kids the first time they see the castle. We then went on rides, had ice cream, all the fun things you do at Disney. It is a long day to walk, wait in lines and try to see so many things. I have to say they were troopers we did not have a stroller for them and they did very well. They both got to buy something before we left the park, Sophia bought Little miniature princesses that she can play and pretend with for hours. Whitney bought a Mini Mouse that she took everywhere we went. She loves it. Went back to the hotel so they could swim some more. Then loaded back in the car and headed to Downtown Disney for dinner. One really nice thing about our hotel the balcony you could see the fireworks at Magic Kingdom and Epcot.

Our next morning we went to Sea World. We did a 4 hour walking tour with a guide that was great. (We did get a stroller for that). It is a really great why to see Sea World and have hands on experience. We got to feed Sea Lions and see a brand new baby Sea Lion that is still to young to swim and was also a surprise to Sea World. Then we got to pet a Penguin, feed Dolphins, have great seats for the Shamu Whale show. It was such a good time we stayed even longer at Sea World. Found a area where you can pet sting rays. I think if Sophia could she would have got in with every one of the Dolphins, Sea Lions, Fish tanks , Whales you name it. When they both feel asleep in the stroller we realized it was time to go. I also have to add that Jenny loves Dolphins so I think Sea World was great for her also. Headed back to the hotel let the kids swim a little more then went out for dinner. Found a Tex Mex restaurant that was really good.

Our last day we went to Animal Kingdom. We ended up not staying a long time because of the crowds. Hopped on a bus and went to Hollywood Studios had some lunch and also realized it was really crowded. Went to the Little Mermaid show that was very good and the kids liked, then also the Micky Mouse and friends club house again the kids really liked.

It is amazing at how fast time goes. When I booked our flight I did n0t realize there were two airports in Orlando. ( I must be slipping) With a seven am flight the next morning I booked a hotel by the airport. Took the car back checked in to hotel, Jenny ordered pizza for us and its already time for bed with a 4:30 wake up call!

Off to the airport, and we all slept on the flight home.

Looking back at our trip I will have lots of wonderful memories. I have been very lucky to have been able to experience Disney with all my grandchildren. It is also a double bonus that I got to spend time with my daughter. I love you all very very much.

Breakfast at Epcot to meet the Princesses!

We see the Castle!!

Planning for Sea World

Sophia feeding Sea Lions

Kate our Guide at Sea World

Long Day at Sea World

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