Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Soup & Salad with Friends

Fall. It always comes so fast. This Sunday we had friends over for soup and salad. But mainly to just catch up. Summer went so fast.
It was really good to see everybody love you guys!

Fall on the River

Happy Birthday Vince


Monday, October 18, 2010

Jenny turns 30!

Saturday Jenny turned 30! Holy cow how did that happen It is so true time fly's.
Jenny and her friend Kendra came over Saturday night to celebrate. Mike made a great fire for us, and he also was our bartender. (Thanks Mike)
It was so fun!
Sunday Jenny wanted her birthday dinner. Chicken & Dressing over noodles. I wish Chad and Marissa could have been with us. Maybe I would have not ate so much.
Jenny I hope you had a great birthday I know I enjoyed it. I love you.

Jenny's new purse


Make a wish

Birthday Dinner

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Versailles State Park

Today we leave for Versailles State Park. Boy is Kentucky pretty and the roads are great.
Arrive at camp it looks nice. First things first Mike checks out the bathrooms. Yep was not a fluke at Clifty Falls. Indiana is two for two with the worst showers 5 seconds the water stays on Mike timed it, but the worst is for Mike the men's our group. That is just wrong.
Tonight we made burgers on the grill. Nicole you will love this tater tots on the fire. Yum!

Deke and Maggie Help with route to Versailles

Nice view from dump staion

Oh those Kentucky Highways

New Camp

Ice cream treat for being good in car

Today we are going on a hike to check out the park. We head home tomorrow. This hike will do us all good.

Great day in the woods

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Last Night at Camp

Tuesday night beef stew was great if I do say so my self.
Wednesday we got up to head for Tennessee. Had a pretty drive and found this little store, bought the last 6 pack of Heineken. Drove around and just enjoyed how pretty the mountains are. Found another little store bought the last 12 pack of Heineken, and 2 balogna sandwiches. Not many choices in these here parts but it was good. The people are so nice and polite. Got back to camp relaxed then had steaks on the grill.
Thursday we went to Berea Kentucky what a cool town. And dog friendly. Deke and Maggie got to go into there first store. I will say Kentucky has some outstanding scenery and the roads are great.
Sad to say our last night at this camp tomorrow. we head back for Versailles State Park in Indiana.
But as it goes time to roll on!

Beef Stew!

Our Backyard

Mike with his Co-Pilots

Little Store

Lake Cumberland

Berea Kentucky

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cumberland Falls

Today we went to Cumberland Falls. It was beautiful. The picture will explain the falls.
When leaving the falls we decided to take a scenic route back. It was again beautiful. Most of the drive was threw Daniel Boone National Forrest. One camp area called Bee Rock was really nice but very primitive. Maybe for a couple days I would give it a try.
Now we need to stop for more Heinken. Full alert we are surrounded by dry counties!! Tomorrow we have a road trip to Tennessee!
So for now this happy camper must go make her beef stew in the big black pot!

All about the Moonbow

I caught a rainbow

The Falls

Imagine this in color change

Camp site in Daniel Boone National Forrest (Bee Rock campground)

Autumn Tour

We left Saturday morning for our Autumn Tour. It was a very wet drive rained all the way. Continued to rain while we set up camp. Staying at Clifty Falls State Park in Madison IN. Will not be seeing pictures of campsite, did not like it or the bathroom showers. But on a good note the State Park is BEAUTIFUL! Sunday morning got up had a great breakfast went on a hike to see Clifty Falls, unfortunately it was dried up. Still it was nice the dogs enjoyed it and our legs felt like rubber after climbing the steps back up. I think we might need more water in our diet. After the hike we went in to Madison it is a historical town. It is really cool walked the dogs down the main street window shopped, got coffee and really enjoyed the town.
Monday we left for Lake Burnside State Park. Love Love Love it here. Plus I had a hot shower today another win win. We are getting ready to go on another hike to Cumberland Falls the niagra of the south. Hopefully it is not dried up!

Cake Rock

Mike Holding the Rock Up!

Dry Creek Bed

Stairs we had to come up

Madison Indiana
New Camp